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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Year 5 Information Page

Our Enrichment & Learning Experiences 


In English this term we were reading 'The Adventures of Odysseus' and learnt about the Greek Mythology that went along with this. Our reading also led into our writing, where we have written our own Odysseus inspired adventures, placating monsters of our own creation, and writing our own magazine articles about the Olympics. 


In Science, we looked at 'Growing up and Growing old', which allowed us to investigate how we change from infancy to old age, test links between height and foot length, and test ourselves with a number of tasks to see struggles encountered when becoming older. 


Our Art this term was us beginning to investigate street art, and the illusions used within this, specifically looking at Julian Beever's work. 


During indoor PE this term we worked on building our badminton skills, testing our abilities in creating rallies and improving our accuracy and power. Outdoor PE was rounders, so we continued working on our batting skills, and worked on understanding new rules and applying these to games. 


Our topic in PSHE this term was 'Relationships', and through this learning we were able to find out about online communities and relationships specifically, and what the pros and cons of this can be, as well as knowing how we can keep ourselves safe. 


We began looking at the question ‘What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?’ This allowed us to look into the Islam faith this term, and learn about the beliefs, celebrations and values held by Muslims. 


During our DT this term, we began to look at seasonality and fair trade, in order for us to be able to apply this when we make our own dish next term.



Year 5 Term 4


Term 2 gallery


Reminders & Key Information

 Year 5 Timetable

year 5 term 5 timetable.pdf


Our Current Learning Letter

year 5 learning letter term 6 docx 1 .pdf


 Previous Terms' Learning Letters

Please click the relevant tab below to view:

Term 1 Year 5 Learning Letter Term 2 Year 5 Learning LetterTerm 3 Year 5 Learning Letter Term 4 Year 5 Learning Letter  Term 5 Year 5 Learning Letter