Wishing you the warmest of
Whitehill is a strong and thriving community, united together and determined to see all succeed and be happy in their lives. We are very proud of the safe and nurturing environment that we have created at Whitehill.
We aspire for all to develop and all to achieve. We foster the development of confidence. We facilitate ambition in all aspects of life. We support independence in decision making.
It’s a joy to hear our children laugh, to watch them have fun exploring developing and learning together. Whitehill is a happy, caring, inclusive and vibrant community. We recognise that early life experiences echo on into adult life and shape who we become. Every child needs to feel valued, safe and nurtured if they are to fully embrace their innate qualities of curiosity, communication, innovation, deduction, and creativity to become confident, independent and ambitious learners who thrive. Happiness overall will enable every child to succeed. Our team is dedicated to this end. This sentiment underpins all that we do at Whitehill Primary School.
Our curriculum has been carefully considered to ensure that each and every individual child’s needs and interests are encompassed. We recognise that the World is rapidly changing. The issues our students will face as they grow older may be vastly different to those experienced before. Our curriculum is carefully monitored and adjusted to accommodate new technologies, new ways of working and thinking as they present. The children learn about real life occurrences and problems on a local, national and global level and are encouraged to share their thoughts and solutions. The children are encouraged to play an active role within the school, local and wider community; engaging with fundraisers and working to support those less fortunate than themselves.
Whitehill is larger than your average sized primary school. We are fortunate to have two nursery settings on site. We have a fantastic site and lots of resources so we can cater for most interests and needs. We are proud of the exciting and inspiring learning environments that we have developed with the Whitehill community both inside and outside of the classroom. The children benefit from these spaces immensely.
Whitehill has been part of the Decus Educational Trust since 2014. As a result, the school has gained from the collaborative ethos of the trust. Gravesend Grammar School, being part of the Decus Educational Trust also, has on occasion invited the children of Whitehill to use their facilities and to join them for specific learning events.
Please have a look around our amazing school by viewing the different sections on our website or contact us if you would like to visit the school.
Best wishes,
Mrs Angela Carpenter – Headteacher