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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Year 3 Information Page

Our Enrichment & Learning Experiences

Term 5 Learning in Year 3

Term 5

In term 5, Year 3 has explored the role the Homefront played during World War 2. We spent time discovering the different roles people filled in the war. Eventually we used what we had discovered to make fabulous recruitment posters for the Women's Land Army and the Home Guard. In Geography, we have looked closely at South America. We have a good understanding of how the countries differ and how this impacts what they can produce and export.

In Art, we have studied the work of Claude Monet. We took inspiration from his work to create our own water lily piece in his style. In Design Technology, we linked our learning to our History unit and made our own ration potato biscuits. We also designed and made packaging for these biscuits - carefully considering selling points such as price and contents.

In Science, we have been investigating forces. We used magnets to see which materials had magnetic properties and looked into magnetic fields - testing attraction and repulsion. 

Please click HERE to view more of our learning.

Reminders & Key Information

Year 3 Timetable

year 3 timetable.pdf

 Current Learning letter


year 3 learning letter term 6.pdf


 Previous Terms' Learning Letters

  Term 1 Year 3 Learning Letter Term 2 Year 3 Learning Letter Term 3 Year 3 Learning Letter

Term 4 Year 3 Learning LetterTerm 5 Year 3 Learning Letter