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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Year 2 Information Page

Our Enrichment & Learning Experiences

Sunflowers Sunflowers Everywhere!

In Year 2 we have been learning about sunflowers, we have identifed the parts, understood the lifecycle and even grown our own. We have found watching them go from a seed to a plant very exciting. We have also created our sunflower works of art inspired from Van Gogh's image.

 Last Term's Learning

Enrichment Week - Looking after our World

As part of our Enrichment Week, we have been looking at jungles and forests. We focussed on the Amazon Rainforest. We have learnt some big vocabulary such as 'deforestation' and how the forest is being cut down at a rate of one football pitch every 6 seconds! We decided to collect the scrap paper around our school and we turned left over boxes into recycling boxes by painting the paper and using our collaging skills.


The day the Town Planner came to visit

We were lucky enough to have Mr Price visit us as part of our Enrichment Week. He told us all what it was like to be a town planner and what he did in this role. We were very inspried by his visit and even created our own towns!

Year 2 History Trip to Gravesend

Reminders & Key Information

Year 2 Timetable

year 2 timetable.pdf

 Our Current Learning Letter

year 2 learning letter term 6 1 .pdf

Previous Terms' Learning Letters

Term1 Year 2 Learning Letter Term 2 Year 2 Learning Letter Term 3 Year 2 Learning Letter Term 4 Year 2 Learning Letter Term 5 Year 2 Learning Letter