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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Reception Information Page

Our Enrichment & Learning Experiences 

During term 4 reception were learning all about different life cycles. We looked at the life cycle of frogs, chickens and butterflies. We were lucky enough to have all of these animals in our classroom and witness each stage of their life cycle. We had to wait a long time for our butterflies to hatch from their cocoons but they are finally here and enjoying eating lots of fruit and drinking plenty of sugar water. We had great fun learning and watching the animals grow!

Reception Learning Term 4



This term we have enjoyed more hands on learning experiences. We especially enjoyed creating bubble paintings, learning to read and write.

Reception Learning Term 3


Last term we have learnt how to follow a recipe and make yummy biscuits. We have been builders both indoors and outdoors. We have made repeating patterns and looked at different patterns within the environment. We found out about different people who help us including the Police who came to talk to us about their jobs. After learning about the story of Jesus' birth, we acted out the story for our families.

Reception Learning Term 2


Reminders & Key Information

Reception Class Timetable

reception timetable.pdf

Our Current Learning Letter

reception learning letter term 6 2023 2024 docx.pdf

 Previous Terms' Learning Letters

Please click on the relevant tab below:

Term 1 Reception Learning Letter Term 2 Reception Learning Letter Term 3 Reception Learning Letter Term 4 Reception Learning Letter Term 5 Reception Learning Letter