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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Physical Education

Please click HERE to see an overview of what PE is taught in each of the year groups.

Subject Intent 

At Whitehill we use the Greenacre Sports Partnership scheme of work because:

It enables pupils to learn core skills that can then be transferred and consolidated in other sports and disciplines, through a progressive framework of sessions with clear aims for a broad range of physical activities. The scheme exposes pupils to a wide range of sports and disciplines, allowing them to develop different skills and build upon them as they progress term-upon-term, and year-upon-year. Pupils learn a range of skills both individually and as part of teams, differentiated to support and challenge pupils of a range of abilities, which are then applied to a range of competitive games and sporting situations. There is an expectation that pupils are physically active for sustained periods of time during their PE sessions. Our curriculum teaches pupils respect and sportsmanship etiquette and important life skills, acknowledging that sometimes we win and sometimes we lose, and how to deal with those situations.

We recognise PE is the only subject whose primary focus is on the body. It uniquely addresses the physical development of our children and makes a major contribution to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We believe that at a time when there are growing health concerns over children nationally, we should inspire our children to become healthy, active learners. Our curriculum aims to be the springboard towards a physically active life by introducing children to different sports and movements. Moreover, P.E enables children to develop teamwork, leadership and resilience in an alternative setting to the classroom. 

Aims & Expectations 

Through a high quality, safe and challenging physical education programme, the school aims to develop successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens who develop as independent enquirers, creative thinkers, reflective learners, team workers, self-managers and effective participators.

  • Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum that satisfies the needs of the current National Curriculum and provide pupils with appropriate challenge with acceptable risk. 
  • Develop a whole school approach to physical development which takes pupils through progressive stages of learning and challenge, enabling them to fulfil their potential, develop competence and control in the gross and fine motor skills that pupils need to take part in PE and sport.
  •  Educate pupils about, and involve them in, the process of risk management, so that they understand their responsibility in this, in order for them to participate independently in physical activity and to establish good habits and awareness of safety and personal hygiene. 
  • Ensure pupils have the opportunity to demonstrate that they know and understand how to apply their competence and make appropriate decisions for themselves by challenging pupils to select and use skills, tactics and compositional ideas .
  • Provide pupils with opportunities to use imaginative ways to express and communicate ideas, solve problems and overcome challenges, both as individuals and as part of a team or group.
  • Ensure pupils understand that PE and sport are an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle and understand the contribution physical activity has on having a healthy body and mind. 
  • Develop pupils’ stamina, suppleness, strength and the mental capacity (determination and resilience) to keep going. 
  • Develop an environment in which pupils have the confidence to get involved in PE and sport and are committed to make it a central part of their lives both in and out of school . 
  • Provide an out of school hours programme of activities which extends and enriches curriculum provision and provides opportunity for activities to enable pupils to make sufficient progress to access curriculum sessions with greater success . 
  • Provide opportunities for competition appropriate to the stage of the individual pupil’s development . 
  • Ensure that pupils enjoy PE and school sport and establish community links and pathways for pupils to engage in life-long participation. 
  • Provide links to other areas of the curriculum and wider school, county and national agendas. 

Inclusion & Equal Opportunities 

At the School we are committed to promoting equal opportunities irrespective of socioeconomic background, gender, disability and ethnicity in all areas of the curriculum. We believe that children should have equal access to and participation in a range of physical education activities. Teachers plan their lessons and make necessary adaptations to ensure appropriate challenge and accessibility for all learners. We are committed to ensuring that all children participate in PE and physical activity irrespective of any special educational need(s) or physical disability they may have. We believe that children should have equal access to and participation in a range of physical education activities in order to reach their own potential. Research has shown that children ALL participating in PE together proves better outcomes for ALL. The Greenacre schemes allows for differentiation for all abilities, giving the teachers ideas and support for less or more able students.

Parental Involvement & Wider Community Links 

Parents are encouraged to attend Sports day to celebrate and promote physical activity, as well as support groups to travel to sporting events as support. In terms of reporting on progress, annual reports are written about each child for parents/carers and PE is listed as a foundation subject in all reports. 

Resourcing, Health & Safety Considerations 

Kit for P.E. lessons

  1. a) Footwear – A pair of trainers is required for outdoor P.E. lessons. Trainers should not be worn for indoor P.E. 
  2. b) Indoor clothing – The school P.E. shorts and tee-shirt must be worn by all children during all Physical Education lessons. 
  3. c) Outdoor clothing – Track-suits may be worn during outdoor sessions when the weather is cold. 
  4. d) Swimming- Appropriate swimming attire and a towel.

 Jewellery- No jewellery may be worn during Physical activities except small ear studs. 


Physical activity should extend children physically without endangering them or inhibiting their progression. The skill of the teacher is to recognise the limitations of the children, and not push them beyond this point. 


 For minor injuries (bruises and bumps) children should be encouraged to continue where possible but sit and watch if necessary. For small cuts or grazes an adult should accompany the children to apply first aid. For serious accidents (head injuries, serious cuts or suspected fractures) an adult should stay with the child and another adult or responsible child should seek assistance. After the incident the teacher must complete an accident report form. Medical Conditions It is the responsibility of the teacher to take note of any medical conditions of individual children in their class (such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy) so they can participate safely and as fully as possible. It should be noted that cold dry weather will exacerbate breathing problems for asthmatics and they should have their inhalers in school as per the school guidelines. 


Assessment of PE is an ongoing process. As each lesson progresses, the teacher carefully observes and assesses, intervening as necessary, to ensure that each child makes the full progress of which they are capable. Lessons are planned to ensure that lessons are fully inclusive and take account of children’s differing needs and physical ability. The assessment of PE at Whitehill Primary School is done through the tracking bar on Target Tracker, this is assessed alongside the monitoring progress form created by the PE subject lead. The teacher is to move the child along appropriately to the progress they made, linked to the statements on the monitoring progress form. This will enable the class teacher and PE subject lead to assess each class's progress, monitor the areas for development and any children that are particularly struggling.

Please click HERE to learn more about the Greenacre Sports Partnership.