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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Our Vision

Our Ethos

Whitehill Primary School is a community where we all work hand in hand with the families to ensure that our children have the very best of starts. We are proud of, celebrate, value and embrace the rich diversity within our school and beyond. We strive to assist every child so that they feel safe, have the confidence and resilience to make and learn from their mistakes and to overcome any difficulties.  We want all of our students to discover the joy of friendships and the joy of learning,  to develop into well rounded individuals who can thrive academically and socially and ultimately contribute positively to the world, succeed throughout life and fulfil their dreams without limits.

Our Key Strategic Priorities

Quality of Teaching & Learning

  •  All stakeholders contribute to the curriculum’s design,  refinement and implementation; making sure that it embodies the school’s vision; ensuring that it leads to a richness and depth of learning which prepares all children so that they can have fulfilling and successful lives. 
  •  All stakeholders understand how the school’s vision of success for all requires all to ensure equity of access and all to negate the potential effects of disadvantage.
  •  Share responsibility and work as a team collaboratively to ensure that the school’s curriculum is inclusive, incorporates the children’s interests, provides cultural capital, enables children to celebrate and share their learning experiences.
  • Work consistently and effectively as a team and continue to develop Reading, Writing and Maths provision, improving pupil progress and ensuring that SEND and disadvantaged pupils’ progress is closer to that of their peers.
  • Work consistently and effectively as a team and develop a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum to promote engagement and sustained progress in all areas.

Leadership & Management

  •  To establish a sustainable whole school vision and ethos with all stakeholders and through consultation and involvement ensure that all clearly understand and buy into the underpinning rationale; making sure that the children’s educational needs are central to its creation and subsequent curriculum design.
  •  Involve all stakeholders in the writing of the new School Improvement plan; ensure that systems, procedures and policies are compliant with regulations and impactfully reflect current needs.
  • Support the development of excellent leadership practice at all levels; ensuring that all thrive, work together in a cohesive distributive approach.
  •  Keep work load and well-being at the centre of all school improvement actions.
  •  Increase leadership capacity, consider sustainability and seek collaborations with outside agencies to strengthen and improve the school’s offer.

Behaviour & Attitudes

  • To establish a sustainable and consistent approach to behaviour management across the school and through consultation and involvement ensure that all clearly understand and buy into the underpinning rationale; making sure that the children’s developmental needs are central to its creation.
  • To ensure that those who particularly struggle to self-regulate have a plan or contract of support which is reviewed and improved with the student, class teacher and parent when it ceases to have impact.
  • To ensure that learning is exciting, accessible and inclusive to all pupils.
  • To ensure that parents and staff understand how difficulties associated with specific SENs can exacerbate self-regulation difficulties and ensure that they are equipped with strategies to help such children self-regulate
  • To monitor behaviour difficulties and seek out external help to prevent the risk and reduce the overall rate of exclusions.
  • To enhance students’ playtime experiences by reintroducing OPAL, providing calm areas for time out and ensuring all adults can model and encourage positive play interactions along with strategies for managing friendship difficulties.

Personal Development

  • Ensure that a range of culturally enriching, exciting and inspiring learning opportunities are incorporated into the curriculum in a way that enables pupils to see learning holistically and also helps them to appreciate the applications of their learning in the real world.
  • Ensure that the curriculum includes learning experiences that enable students to learn how to stay healthy, thrive, get along with others and contribute positively to modern society.
  • Ensure that the PSHE and RSHE Curriculum meets statutory requirements.

Early Years Foundation Stage

  • Ensure that all EYFS practitioners fully understand and are confident implementing the EYFS framework.
  • Ensure that all children are age expected where the prime areas are concerned and language development underpins all interactions and learning opportunities
  • Ensure that EYFS practitioners optimise the time that they give to child interactions and that they are not burdened with unnecessary admin tasks.
  • Ensure that children have ample opportunities to initiate their own play and lines of enquiry.