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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Nursery Information Page

Our Enrichment & Learning Experiences 

This term has been such an amazing term, the children have flourished and have become more independent learners. We started off the term learning about different types of animals, jungle, minibeasts and Arctic animals to name a few. The children identified where certain animals came from on a globe and investigated why they were suited to their environment.  In addition to learning about animals the children have practiced their bike riding skills, played team games like football, where they have kept scores and have made McDonald's mud burgers. The children have used their phonemes to take orders and counting skills to take a payment. Well done Nursery!

Term 5 EYFS photos

Pearl Class

Nursery Learning Term 3

Nursery Learning Term 2

Reminders & Key Information 

 The 15 Hours Nursery Timetable

the 15 hour nursery timetable 1 .pdf

The 30 Hours Nursery Timetable

the 30 hour nursery timetable 1 .pdf

Our Current Learning Letter

nursery learning letter term 6 1 docx.pdf

 Previous Terms' Learning Letters

Please click the relevant tab below to view:

Term1 Nursery Learning Letter Term 2 Nursery Learning Letter Term 3 Nursery Learning Letter Term 4 Nursery Learning Letter Term 5 Nursery Learning Letter