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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Weekly Bulletin: Friday 6th December 2024

Dear Parents, Carers & Families,

There has been much excitement this morning when the Chair of Governors, Mr Gary Outred, came into school to help us celebrate the efforts and achievements of our students. In addition to our usual Wow Wall celebrations where children in every class share with the school the marvellous things that they have been learning, Mr Outred awarded five students for their significant improvements and efforts in school. Twenty-eight pupils overall had been nominated by staff for their improvements to which each was applauded and given one hundred house points. All of our children are pretty amazing so Mr Outred had an extremely difficult task of narrowing down the nominees to  five overall winners that stood out in some way. 

The Governor's Most Improved Awards

Well done to the winners and to all of our students - you are all so super!  We know that you will all continue to be pretty awesome and that in Term 4 Mr Outred will have the same challenges as this time when he judges nominees for this Governors’ award.

Thank you to all who have taken the time to vote in the Parent Governor elections. Today we closed the ballot and we will look to announce the outcome in due course.

This week we sent out further communications regarding Christmas events. Please speak to your child’s Class Teacher if you have any questions regarding them.

Sadly, we have had some of our parents and carers raise concerns about the behaviours of other people on the roads immediately outside the school. As a response to this there has been some increased police presence. The roads are not within our jurisdiction and as such we have no ability ourselves to police them. 
The police have recommended that you use the link  HERE to report any concerns that you have about aggressive dogs and report any concerns about antisocial behaviours using the link HERE.

Have a lovely week everyone.  

Best wishes,

Angela Carpenter



The foundations of learning are laid in the Primary years of schooling and so Whitehill Primary School is committed to making sure that our children do not miss out on the education and care that we offer. Regular attendance is critical if our pupils are to be happy, successful and benefit from the opportunities presented to them now and in the future.

Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. We actively promote 100% attendance for all our pupils and we use a variety of rewards and incentives to promote good attendance and punctuality. Awards are group focused rather than given to individuals as we recognise that our students cannot help being absent for medical reasons. 

Below, you can see this week's attendance data. The stars indicate the year groups who were awarded 5 minutes extra Green Time for topping everyone else's attendance:

Key Events

term 2 onwards events.pdf

christmas events 2024 2025.pdf

term 2 key dates term 2 1 .pdf

 Safeguarding for Parents

mental health apps 1 .pdf