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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Weekly Bulletin: Friday 18th October 2024

Dear Parents, Carers & Families,

The final week of term has certainly been a really exciting one for the school community. 

Year 6 had the opportunity to visit the Imperial War Museum. Whilst there, they were able to come face-to-face with artefacts from the Second World War and also through interactive displays better understand the ramifications of war. We have enjoyed listening to your accounts of what you learnt. We were especially pleased to hear of your superb behaviour as you walked around the exhibits - Well done! 

Year 5 visited the London Science Museum. Again, it has been super to hear the students recall what they saw and have learnt. Well done Year 5 - We definitely have some budding scientists in our midst!

Year 5 Science Museum Visit

Thank you to the parents and staff who helped and made both of these trips possible!

Year 6 Forest School


This week was Year 6’s final week of Forest School sessions. To mark this end, Mrs Gardner organised a den building competition. The children were given free reign to work in groups and build a shelter of their own design. As you can see in the images below, they made judging the competition extremely difficult! Mrs Gardner and and the teachers have been very impressed with the Year 6’s collaborative efforts and engagement throughout the term - Again, well done! Thank you also to Mrs Gardner and the Year 6 Team for making this happen!

We had our first Student Council meeting today, the children have been discussing the naming of the quad now that it nears it completion. They have also been discussing ways that lunchtimes could be improved - Our Student Council Representatives have got off to a great start. Well done!

This week, class teachers have collated the names of students who have shown a desire to be Student Ambassadors. All those who have been put forward will be interviewed as part of the selection process on our return to school - in the first week of next term.

In our Values Assembly this week we explored the power of being noble. How being kind and helping others even those we would not necessarily view as friends has its rewards. We used Aesop’s story of the Lion and the Mouse to explore this value. Please revisit these ideas with your child and help them to understand this value.

Please make sure that you check out our Class Information Pages to find out about next term’s learning and to see the slide that were shared out or recent Meet the Teacher Event. Click on the relevant links below to find out more:

 Nursery Information Page Reception Information Page 

Reception / Year 1 Information Page Year 1 Information Page Year 2 Information Page 

Year 3 Information Page Year 4 Information Page 

Year 5 Information Page Year 6 Information Page

Thank you so much to the parents who have taken the time to complete the communication survey that was recently sent out. We have had 16 responses so far. Please could we urge more of you to click HERE and share your opinions as we want to ensure that everyone’s thoughts are heard.

We are currently looking to recruit a Parent Governor. Please click HERE to find out more.

May we wish you all a safe and restful half-term break! We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 4th November.

Best wishes,

Angela Carpenter




The foundations of learning are laid in the Primary years of schooling and so Whitehill Primary School is committed to making sure that our children do not miss out on the education and care that we offer. Regular attendance is critical if our pupils are to be happy, successful and benefit from the opportunities presented to them now and in the future.

Good attendance is fundamental to a successful and fulfilling school experience. We actively promote 100% attendance for all our pupils and we use a variety of rewards and incentives to promote good attendance and punctuality. Awards are group focused rather than given to individuals as we recognise that our students cannot help being absent for medical reasons. 

Below, you can see this week's attendance data. The stars indicate the year groups who were awarded 5 minutes extra Green Time for topping everyone else's attendance:

Key Dates

term 2 onwards events.pdf