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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust


Please click HERE to see an overview of what PE is taught in each of the year groups.

Subject Intent

At Whitehill Primary School, our music curriculum aims to inspire creativity, self-expression and encourage our children on their musical journeys as well as giving them opportunities to connect with others.   We hope to foster a life-long love of music by exposing them to diverse musical experiences and igniting a passion for music. By listening and responding to different musical styles, finding their ‘voices’ as singers, performers and as composers, all will enable them to become confident, reflective musicians. 

‘Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity’ (The National Curriculum, 2014)

Aims & Expectations 

Our pupils will learn that music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity.  Music lessons will engage, inspire pupils to develop a love of music and develop their talent as musicians, and in turn increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.


The aims of our Music curriculum are to develop pupils who:

  • Can sing and use their voices individually and in a group
  • Create and compose music on their own and with others
  • Use technology appropriately when composing
  • Have opportunities to learn a musical instrument
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated
  • Listen to, review and evaluate the work of great composers and musicians from a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions
  • Enjoy and have an appreciation of a range of different musical styles e.g. Classical, Jazz, Hip Hop, Pop, Rock etc.
  • Use and understand musical language and include musical features in their own work.
  • Make judgements about the quality of music
  • Have opportunities to play a wide variety of instruments
  • Have different opportunities to take part in performances

The Charanga scheme of work is used from Year 1 - 6 to ensure progression and a wide exposure to different genres of music, with lots of practical opportunities to explore and develop as musicians and singers.


The school also has whole class ensemble teaching in Year 1 the children are taught the ocarina/percussion, Year 3 where children are taught the recorder for a school year and likewise in Year 5, the pupils are currently learning the Ukulele instrument. These lessons incorporate teaching musical notation, singing, as well as learning to play an instrument.  Following on, group music lessons are also available to all pupils to continue to develop their skills and ability playing a musical instrument. Opportunities are taken to perform in class, in whole assemblies and also to parents and the wider community. Composing or performing using body percussion, vocal sounds and technology is also part of the curriculum, which develops the understanding of musical elements without the added complexity of an instrument.

Additional opportunities are offered in music, such as the Key Stage 2 choir which performs regularly in school and at events in the local community. A regular music week takes place every June exploring different themes such as world music and a music extravaganza assembly sharing our children’s instrument skills and knowledge.


Learning of music is further embedded and brought to life through other curriculum areas giving the children the opportunity to apply their learning holistically in different social contexts. They will have opportunities to forge their own musical journey, allowing them to discover areas of strength, as well as areas they might like to improve upon. Music will also develop an understanding of culture and history, both in relation to students individually, as well as ethnicities from across the world. Children are able to enjoy music, in as many ways as they choose - either as listener, creator or performer. They can discuss music and comprehend its parts. They can sing, feel a pulse, add rhythms and create melodies in a group and they can further develop these skills in the future and continue to enjoy and embrace music in their lives.

Inclusion & Equal Opportunities 

Our music curriculum is inclusive and accessible for all with support in place for our SEND and EAL children. All children will have the opportunity to sing, play a musical instrument, understand notation and enjoy a variety of different musical genres. Our more able children will be stretched and challenged within lessons.  All children will be given the opportunity to take part in local and wider field concerts and given support and guidance to explore individual music lessons in school and other musical experiences beyond school.

Parental Involvement & Wider Community Links 

We encourage parents/carers to support our performances and take an interest in the children’s music learning, musical trips as well as helping the children to practice at home.  We collaborate with our local community visiting and performing in person and on line to care homes and local churches. To keep abreast of the music curriculum and up to date with our music knowledge skills, we attend Gravesham Network meetings and also collaborate with our partner school’s music department.  We invite experienced musicians, choirs, actors and dancers to carry out workshops enabling our children to develop a holistic approach to their learning. 

Resourcing, Health & Safety Considerations 

The music budget is used to enhance musical learning experience. Every year, Kent College funds are used to subsidise whole class ukulele lessons in year 5. In addition, we outsource instrumental lessons for those children who are interested in peripatetic instrumental lessons. We have some limited funds to assist should a family not be able to financially support these lessons. Whenever we have visiting musicians or music teachers, they are fully vetted (as per DFE requirements) and safeguarding trained. Instruments are regularly checked and where apt cleaned to ensure that they are safe and fit for purpose.


Music assessment is ongoing to inform teachers with their planning, lesson activities and differentiation. Summative assessment is completed at the end terms one, three and five to inform leaders of the improvements or skills that still need to be embedded. Music is monitored throughout all year groups using a variety of strategies such as lesson observations, staff questionnaires and pupil interviews.