Whitehill Primary School is a member of the Aletheia Academies Trust. The school has fully delegated powers from the Trust Board of Directors who concern themselves with strategic and longer term planning. The Local Governing Body, technically a committee of the Trust, is responsible for the detailed functioning of the school. The Directors do have the power to alter the level of delegation if the circumstances of the school change. A complete description of the levels of delegation can be found in the Whitehill Primary School & Nursery Terms of Reference.
Governors’ (ID 1128)
Carrie-Ann BartonParent Governor for Behaviour & Play
Carrie-Ann Barton
I teach at various schools and children's centres across North West Kent delivering Family Learning courses. Although there would be no personal profit to myself nor company for delivering courses at Whitehill, it would help us to meet local engagement targets, as much as it would support the school to support their parents, children and local community. These courses are funded by the ESFA so no cost to the school nor families but in the interest of openness I thought it should be mentioned here, in case we form a partnership with the school in the future.
Angela CarpenterHeadteacher
Angela Carpenter
Liam EvansAppointed Governor for Site, Health & Safety
Liam Evans
Fun facts about me
- I love my beautiful wife and gorgeous children, golf and Chelsea Football Club.
- I dislike it when Chelsea are playing badly and when I do not hit par on the golf course.
William ForderStaff Governor
William Forder
David MitchellAppointed Governor for Curriculum
David Mitchell
Gary OutredChair of Governors
Gary Outred
Fun facts about me
- I love all my family and my gorgeous wife, fast cars and any sports.
- I dislike roundabouts, traffic jams and traffic lights.
Alison SaundersStaff Governor
Alison Saunders
Holly RodgersAppointed Governor
Holly Rodgers
Rebecca TinsleyParent Governor
Rebecca Tinsley
The Key Role of the Governing Body at Whitehill Primary School & Nursery is:
- Ensuring the school’s clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school, setting the budget and making sure its money is well spent.
The Local Governing Body Does this by:
- Challenging the Headteacher on the school’s performance in areas such as (but not limited to) pupil progress, teacher development, exclusions and attendance.
- Approving many School Policies
- Setting the school budget and monitoring the expenditure.
- Reviewing progress against the School Operational Plan.
- Sitting on occasional panels dealing, for example, with Exclusions to ensure the school has applied government and its own policies.
- Working with the Headteacher and Leadership Team to achieve the goal of making Whitehill Primary School an Outstanding school.
Along with the responsibilities mentioned above, each Governor takes on a role of monitoring specific activities with the school. This can be to monitor a particular aspect of the school’s Operational Plan, but also ongoing functions such as Safeguarding and Special Educational Needs and Disability. Governors review these areas by visiting the school, talking with staff, pupils and parents and then report back to the Local Governing Body on progress.
It is important to note that the Local Governing Body does not have an operational function as the day to day running of the school is the role of the Headteacher and staff of Whitehill Primary School.
The membership of the Local Governing Body is made up as follows:
Two Parent Governors | Elected by parents of pupils |
Two Staff Governors | Elected by fellow staff members |
Up to Seven Director Appointed Governors | Appointed by the Academy Trust Board |
The Headteacher |
Appointed through interview process |
A Chair and Vice Chair are elected by the Local Governing Body.
Each member sits for a term of 4 years.
(The Trust can appoint other members or advisors, as it sees fit, to ensure the Local Governor Body has the knowledge and skills to complete its role.)
Local Governing Body meetings are held once every term (6 times a year).
An independent clerk is in attendance to manage the agenda, ensure documents are distributed and minutes of the meeting are taken.
The Chair of the Local Governing Board can be contacted via the school office ([email protected]).
The Attendance of the Local Governing Body Meetings:
governors information 01 03 2025 docx.pdf