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Whitehill Primary School & Nursery

The Decus Educational Trust

Our Leaders

At Whitehill Primary School and Nursery, many of our teaching staff are leaders with specific areas of responsibility. This allows us utilise and develop experience, expertise, specific strengths and passions within the team and collectively improve our school.

Our Senior Leaders

Mrs Carpenter - Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Weston - Deputy Headteacher / Designated Looked After Child Teacher

Miss Saunders - Upper Key Stage 2 Phase Leader

Mr Forder - Lower Key Stage 2 Phase Leader

Miss O'Connor - Key Stage 1 Phase Leader

Mrs Maskell - Early Years Foundation Stage Leader

Miss Haddaway - SENCO

Our Subject Leaders 

Miss Adams - History

Ms Hand - Design & Technology

Miss Butcher - Computing & Digital Art

Mr Forder - English

Miss Haddaway - Mathematics

Mr Pavlou - Interim Religious Education

Mrs Lawrence - Phonics

Miss O'Connor - Speaking & Listening

Mrs M - Music

Mrs Obels - Geography 

Miss C - Science

Miss Leal - Physical Education

Miss Portundo & Miss Handley - Art & Design

Miss Allchorn - French

Miss Hemsley - Outdoor Play & Learning

Mrs Maskell - Personal, Social, Emotional, Relationship, Sex Health Education

Mrs Weston - Mental Health

Other Areas of Leadership

Mrs Saunders - Standards & Assessment

Miss Butcher - Curriculum Enrichment